Interviews, Videos

Donald Miller

Donald Miller | Author, Entrepreneur

How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

Donald Miller is the author of New York Times Bestsellers: “Blue Like Jazz,” “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” and “Scary Close.” He co-wrote the major motion picture “Blue Like Jazz” which debuted at the SXSW Film Festival and was listed as one of the top four movies to get you through freshman year by USA Today. He has served on The Presidential Task Force for Fatherhood and Healthy Families, a joint effort between government and the private sector to rewrite the story of fatherlessness in America. He has transitioned from Author to Entrepreneur and currently helps leaders grow their businesses. For more information, visit

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to take a process of your own and turn it into a business (3:31)
  • How Donald transitioned from a memoir writer to StoryBrand without confusing his core fans (8:39)
  • Tips on how to handle giving up creative control (15:40)
  • Some of Don’s favorite tools (20:45)


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