Pursuit Power Influencers Accountability Group

If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s gain momentum for my brand, build on that momentum, and keep moving fast.

This is not only because I’ve studied and interviewed some the biggest personal brands in the world on my show, and built my own brand in the last couple years, but because I worked on brand strategies for national clients in my corporate career. Now, I’m inviting a limited number of influencers to join me for the most exciting, brand-boosting, influence-skyrocketing, income-increasing, fast-moving year of our lives! Less time shouting WHY, GOD, WHY at the sky, more time crushing it with our readers, listeners, viewers, clients, and customers. If you ARE your brand and business, this is for you. 

There will be live calls, monthly challenges, weekly accountability, specific lessons and tactics, surprises and more – all focused on building our personal platforms so we can change the world with our mission and message.

This group program will be only $99/month!

Again, this will be LIMITED so that each person gets their specific questions answered.  I’m not talking about an overwhelming facebook group with thousands of people y’all – so get on the waiting list today and you’ll be the first to know when it opens!  

Get in on that waiting list action!

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