
Bestselling Authors and founders of Oola, Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl

How to Turn Your Idea Into An International Movement

If you have researched work/life balance or a balanced lifestyle, you’ve probably heard of Oola and “the oola guys.” Two chiropractors, Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl grew their practices and became renowned experts in work-life balance with their 7 F’s of Oola philosophy; success in Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends, and Fun. This was a fascinating interview and a fun one because we had a live audience for the first time!  

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 2:00 Dr. Troy and Dr. Dave (the Oola Founders) tell us what prompted them to go to Vegas and start figuring out how to balance their lives
  • 8:18 Warning signs for when you’re about to lose it all
  • 16:35 How to juggle all seven plates and manage to stay balanced
  • 25:16 Tips for forming a partnership with outside companies

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and let @oolalife know on Twitter!

Learn more about the movement at

WATCH the video above or LISTEN below!


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Why did you choose to have the Oola guys as a guest?
I’d had viewers recommend them and also their overall concept is amazing – who doesn’t want to have success in all seven areas of life!? Plus they were coming to my hometown of OKC on their tour! Score!

How’d you get the interview?
Reached out to their publicists, which I think I found via researching the press releases for their latest book, Oola for Women.

Where was the interview?
At a Barnes and Noble in OKC.

What were they like in person?
Warm and fun and passionate and clearly two opposites that make a great team (you can probably guess from watching the video which one went in for the hug like we were best friends vs which Doc was more reserved 😉

Did anything go wrong?
Of course. Sigh. You’ll have to watch the vlog for some of the details, but filming at the bookstore produced challenges, plus a tripod broke, and then we had people standing in the shot off and on and I should have barked orders to everyone to stay out of the area while filming. We wanted to be nice and courteous but since we didn’t get written releases, we had to crop in in order to edit them out, which makes the video seem awkwardly cropped and distracting at times. First time with an audience – learned our lesson!


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