

My husband is such a logical, reasonable person. Sometimes that is really annoying. For example, during my meltdown, he told me to look at my situation with a little perspective.


Yes, I am behind on my website. Yes, I only have one client. One national, awesome, fun client that I love. And when I get stressed I can drop everything and work out for an hour, or go run errands, or go to a nearby coffee shop and chill. Yes, I have to work in the evenings a lot and don’t see myself taking a vacation anytime soon. But, unlike being an employee, there is a direct return on my work, whether that’s the check from my client, or the addition to the Lever brand, which is important. That’s one great part about working for yourself – I never get the feeling that I’m toiling away on something for nothing. I never feel like I’m wasting time, or “putting off” my dream or my goals. Even the most menial of tasks actually matters, it’s not a waste. Really, though, if you are still employed, you can have that same attitude. After all, it was my excitement for my work, the marketing myself and what I was doing – while employed by someone else – that landed me my BFC anyway. There’s your nugget for this post.