
Starting Things Always Feels Lame

{People loved this post so I made a video about it, watch it here}

So if you follow me at all you know about The Pursuit. If not, you must be new here. Welcome! Right now it’s in the starting phase. And it feels lame. I realized this morning that starting always feel this way. Let me elaborate.

I am uploading some Bonus Questions & Blooper Reels to the YouTube channel this morning. The channel is brand new. It has hardly any views or subscribers. Lame. My playlists each have one video in them. Lame. The show soft launched last week, so of course there are not many subscribers/fans yet. Lame. I still haven’t gotten my verification notice from Twitter.  Lame! Lame! Lame!

The thing about starting is that it’s lame for a while. Like being the new guy at the office. Or implementing a new system or process. Or starting a book and only having 10 pages. But you don’t stay the new guy forever. The new awkward process eventually becomes “just the way we do it here.” Your book grows beyond ten pages to fifty, to one hundred. Eventually I will have tons of videos. If someone checks out The Pursuit in May it will look like a legit operation that has its youknowwhat together. I’ll have 13 sets of interviews, 13 sets of bloopers, a “making of season one video”, and interviews with greats like Guy Kawasaki! GUY KAWASAKI.

But no one can see that yet. Except for me. I can see it. And that’s why I keep going even though I feel like I’m covered in thick gooey Lame Sauce. Because lame is just a season, starting is just a season. {Tweet That}  Keep coming back to the finish line in your mind. Only you can see your vision right now, so it’s like pushing a cart uphill by yourself everyday (by the way, that’s a quote from an interview with Donald Miller, airing on 4/9). Eventually, everyone will see the fruits of your awkward labor, the fruit that you could see from the beginning, back in Lamesville. Soon everyone will be riding that cart, pushing it with you, cheering on the side of the road.

So today, if you feel like the weirdo, and no one “gets” your cart or why you’re pushing it, You are not alone. Many other weirdos are feeling the same way right now with their little carts. And we weirdos will have our day, if we just push past starting, push past the lame and the awkward. The road will eventually start downhill and we’ll catch that momentum and ride high. The wind will blow in our hair. The finish line will come into view. The fruit will be sweet. And not at all lame.

Watch the Pilot of #ThePursuit, How to Become a Successful Speaker & Consultant! 

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