
The Inevitable Melt-down

Okay, I’m freaking out. Like nauseated, not sleeping, freaking out. Maybe this was a crazy idea. I’m probably not cut out for owning an agency at all. I should google the symptoms of anxiety attack. or shingles.



What brought this on is that my website is not up yet and it is taking forever. Without a website I can’t market myself and if I can’t market myself, I can’t get new business. Furthermore, I can’t start diving into social media without a website to explain who I am and when the website launches, the links to all the social media profiles will show that Lever only has 2 followers. It’s a catch-22 I didn’t think about. If you’re considering taking the plunge, give yourself a couple weeks before client contracts start to get your own brand in order. This was my original plan but plans change, and BAM, I became slammed with client work right off the bat. (Which is a wonderful problem to have!!) So, that leaves me working on my site on weekends with my developer husband graciously doing all of the fancy javascript html5 whatnot during his evenings as well. Only evenings = SLOW AS MOLASES. And don’t get me started on the other catch-22 which is that there is no work from my BFC in said website yet. I’m starting an agency website with some large freelance projects as my portfolio. Awesome.  (deep breaths. deep breaths.)

I am trying to get an intern from a nearby university to help with Lever brand work but who wants to intern for a place that has no website and no google results when googled?! It would help if I could tweet ‘hey! I need an intern and I’ll pay you!’ but again, the first thing they’ll do is click that profile and look for a website first. The cycle continues. Also, I feel like kids just aren’t all that into internships anymore. Which is terribly unfortunate for yours truly.

I realize great blogs condense things down into small nuggets and easy 1-2-3 how-to’s. Well, my blog might not be great for a while, but it will be honest. And the nugget to take away from today is, if possible, get your website up and ready to go in between quitting your job and starting client work.