“If you don’t laugh out loud or get choked up, I’ve failed.”

Over 1900 4-5 Star Reviews!
Based on the wildly popular Introvert/Extrovert characters in my online video comedy series “The Sisters” comes a series of full-length romantic comedies featuring the Canton family. Canton Cards, an Oklahoma-based international stationery line has spread its members, five sisters, one cousin and a few close family friends, across the globe. Still, you can take the girl out of the Heartland but…
Each installment is smart, steamy, full length, and complete with surprise twists, laugh-out-loud banter, a happily ever after, and a family group text thread you’ll wish you could join. They can each be read as a standalone but are much more fun in order.
Read a FREE book right now!

Get the Heartlander Series prequel FREE (not Kindle Unlimited free, FREE free) right now. This best-friends-to-lovers tale will lift your heart, break it, and then gleefully put it back together again. Read immediately on your phone or kindle!
The HAPPY TEARS podcast, coming soon, is comedy meets self help, offering easy conversations about hard things like love, loss, relationships and realistic tips for personal growth.


My goal is to get you to laugh out loud, or get choked up, or at least fill with giddy bubbles of satisfaction when the big pay off arrives at the end of the story. I write romance novels with an emphasis on identity, purpose, family, and personality types (like introversion and extroversion.)
My dialogue-heavy books offer banter you’ll love, and a guaranteed Happily Ever After every time. While I am a Christian, these are not Christian books, and in contemporary titles I do include what I consider minimal, realistic cursing. But I draw the line at usin’ the good Lord’s name in vain!
🔥 As for spice level, my books offer a ton of tension and are NOT fade to black. They can be described as steamy without being smutty. You may both blush a little bit, but you can still recommend my books to your mama!
Sound positively delightful? I agree! And you can get early digital copies of ALL my releases for free if you join my Launch Team!

Oh heyyyy. So, as a digital comedian, even with millions of views and 60K+ followers, I have been forced more and more to tell stories in 30 seconds. No, seven seconds!
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Kill me now.
In an act of frustrated rebellion — just like when I got a second ear piercing in college! What madness! — I took to long form. In 2021, I wrote and composed a full-length broadway style musical, A New Dream, based on the life of Gigi’s Cupcakes Mogul Gigi Butler. That project died in development. Sad trombone.
Later that year, knowing we were hoping to adopt, I had to put a hold on my comedy tour goals and in a moment of “what if I can write these characters into a novel” my books were born. And good thing, because we ended up adoption a sibling group of four AND, shockingly, getting pregnant at the same time so we went from a family of 3 to a family of 8 in less than a year. It was as insane as it sounds and thank the Lord I wasn’t committed to a tour at the time!
In my past lives I wrote non-fiction, had a YouTube Talk Show where I interviewed celebrities, and was a sought-after speaker and emcee for leadership and women’s conferences. I did a little bit of comedy touring before the world imploded in The Year that Must Not Be Named. But all my previous creative endeavors failed until I finally learned how to build a creative, profitable business.
As of 2025, I’ve written ten novels, with a few more outlined. But since our family grew so quickly, my publishing schedule is a lot slower now than it was from 2022-2024! Become a book bestie so you never miss a new book release!