Married to a Serial Entrepreneur?
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, so I thought we’d take a little time to show some love to our supportive better halves.
It’s not easy being married to an entrepreneur, ideapreneur, dreamer, etc.
I have so many great one-liners from my husband in response to crazy ideas and repeated questions (that usually start with Do You Think I Can Successfully ….) I get emails from him every so often asking if we can let such and such domain name I bought 5 years ago expire. Luckily, he is entrepreneurial himself, so I have it pretty easy. I talked to a colleague recently whose wife has a rule that he cannot talk to her about a new idea until he’s decided to pursue it, because there were simply too many ideas!
So, with love and chocolate on my mind this week, here are some resources for you and for your better half:
Is Your Business Taking Over Your Marriage?
The four words an entrepreneur’s spouse dreads hearing: “I have an idea.”
Ways to Support Your Entrepreneur
7 tips for marital bliss with a business owner
The Entrepreneurial Spouse: The Vial Role of the Significant Other
How to Be an Entrepreneur, and Stay Married
The 5 Commandments of Running a Business WITH Your Spouse
There’s a Big Difference Between Spouse and Assistant
Multiple resources from
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