Are you always feeling behind and less than and exhausted? Listen to this. Right now. Maybe 3 or 4 times. LISTEN ON THE GO Enjoy
If you’re trying to improve, pushing yourself, going towards big goals, but not quite “there yet,” maybe a bit discouraged, this will PUMP YOU UP
This was a scary, important moment for me, sharing with the world about my alcoholism and recovery, I hope it encourages and inspires you! LISTEN
New Year’s resolutions and goals are great, but no good if you forget why you chose them in the first place. Here’s how can you
A short and sweet Christmas Quick Pep talk from me to you. LISTEN ON THE GO Enjoy listening? Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher to automatically
At any point you can say “skkrr” & decide to turn around and avoid what Donald Miller hilariously calls the “Holiday Death Spiral.” LISTEN ON
Get more done! You have got to try this one simple phrase I’ve been using to help fight overwhelm and be more productive. LISTEN ON
In this episode I talk about being an introvert, hover chairs, laziness, and I may or may not channel some Adele at the end. LISTEN
If you feel like you need to do #allthethings!!!! – this is for you. We need to do what the other bloggers, hustlers, coaches, speakers,
3 Keys to fight feeling helpless. Plus some inspiring quotes and resources for places to donate globally, nationally, and locally! LISTEN ON THE GO Enjoy
This world is heavy and filled with negative news. Have you been discouraged lately? When we feel helpless, that’s the exact time to help someone.
A Special #nanowrimo Quick Pep Talk, that also applies to anyone building a blog/business/brand and also to our general lives. Shout outs in this one
If you’re struggling with choosing what to do next in an area of your life, having some Option Overwhelm, watch this and share! LISTEN ON
We all do this, I’m one of the worst. Let’s talk about WHY we do it and let’s cut it out! LISTEN ON THE GO
I realized a source of depression and anxiety for myself – this is a must-listen for creative types with a lot of ideas. Seriously. Share
This is for you if you’re burnt out, on the verge of running out of steam, or if you’ve ever worried that you will run
Despite the smelly start, this is a good talk about keeping a balanced, helpful perspective on life. LISTEN ON THE GO Enjoy listening? Subscribe in
This is a tactic I use over and over again to propel my goals. You can use it too! TODAY! LISTEN ON THE GO Enjoy
In this quick pep talk I give you three words to use when you’re feeling like you should join in on a conversation, movement, etc.
One Exercise to Figure Out What to do with your life, from my interview with THE Seth Godin! {This Quick Pep Talk was first recorded