The Best of 2017
Welcome to a new series here at KH HQ – Friday favorites! In these posts I will answer your FAQs about what products I use, who I follow online, which apps/tactics/people/practices I prefer for motivation, inspiration, productivity and laughs. If I can’t live without it, you’ll find it in this series. I LOVE reading these types of posts from other people so I hope you find this fun and helpful!
My Top 5 From 2017
This list excludes my alltime favorites like, you know, God, husband, child family, best friends. Doi!
- My Team
I need to devote a separate post to this tiny but mighty team, but seriously, this post is about what I couldn’t live without in the last year – Chatoya and Haley definitely fall into that category! They handle email, travel and guest coordination, social media management, research gathering, organizing, final production processes for the show, managing and shipping giveaways, and so much more! They’re also just plain fun to be around!Also, she’s not on my team and she’s one of my best friends in the world, but Stephanie Jones (Giving Gal) is an honorary team memeber, an advisor and an accountability buddy. She keeps me focused and helps me brainstorm and I would’ve been lost this past year without her!
- Spring App
If you had told me a year ago that a running app would be one of my favorite things in a year, I wouldda bopped you on the head. This app allows you to pick music based on your pace and it’s real music you actually like, not weird workout tracks. It helped me get to 4 miles at a time (a lot for a non-runner!) and I can run 2 miles at a 10/min mile which is also big for a non-runner!This new habit is not about health or becoming a runner. It is about me defying my own negative self-talk and keeping promises to myself. It’s about me proving to me that I can do more that I think. That’s why running is a big deal to me right now and this app helped me arrive to such a cool place within myself. If you want to start a running discipline, HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Get it here for iPhones - Deva Curl
I get asked about my hair so much. So so much. My hair is like my trusty side kick and I believe my hair journey deserves it’s own post, that’s how much y’all inquire about my locks. But trust me, if you look at my photos and think “Wow, those curls are bangin!” It’s because of a Deva Curl hair cut and using their products. For realsies, buy some, watch some youtube turorials on how to transform your curly hair, and thank me later! - Jesus Calling
Sometime in the past year, a mentor told me her rule: no reading anything else until you read the Word. I thought dang, that’s good. So I stole her routine. When I pull up my phone in the morning, no email, no checking notifications or text messages. Bible first. I use YouVersion for that. But then I also read Jesus Calling every morning and I just find it really insightful and helpful for focusing my day before the crazy starts. I have a toddler, you remember, so the crazy usually starts at 6am! I use the kindle version(All I want in life is to feel, do, and be as shiny and luminous as Hugh Jackman in this image.)
- The Greatest Showman
This just barely made because I saw it at the very end of December, but I have never loved a movie so much I wanted to go watch it in theaters again immediately. The only exception MIGHT be the Force Awakens but I am still not over what happened with Han. It’s been a couple years now but I still just can’t even. I have no evens where Han is concerned.Anyway – this movie is inspiring, motivating, insightful, brilliant to watch, glorious to listen to, it’s every thing. If you don’t love musicals you won’t love it, but I bet you’ll still like it. If you love musicals, you’ll die. You just die. Go see it the first chance you have! Beyond the movie itself, they produced a lot of making-of clips that are almost just as moving as the original story. It’s about chasing big dreams, by the way, so go figure, I’m obsessed. Not convinced? The soundtrack is #1 on amazon right now!!!
Honorable Mention:
This interview with TD Jakes that I’ve watched more than once, unsual for me unless I’m researching a guest.
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard, want to read it again already!
Sophie Kinsella – I worked hard on unplugging more this year and a few of her fun novels helped me do that!
Your 2017 Favorites from Meeeee
- Life as a Mompreneur in Under 3 Minutes Comedy Sketch
- Merry Christmas A Capella Music Parody Video
- Epic About The Pursuit Video
- Failure Ain’t No Thing Music Video
- The Pursuit episode with Jeannie Mai
What were your 2017 favorites? I want to read/watch/try them! Leave me a comment on the Facebook post.